SudokuSolver Forum

Archive Part P. Assassins 401-425, variants, other puzzles
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Author:  Andrew [ Fri Dec 31, 2021 11:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Archive Part P. Assassins 401-425, variants, other puzzles

This is Part P of the Assassin Forum Archive, continuing to include puzzles posted on this site and provide easy links to the puzzles and threads. Please read the first part of the Archive Index to get the background to this archive including Mike (mhparker)'s original post about ratings.

Puzzle rating table, with links to the puzzle threads.

Abbreviations used in the Table
Andrew = Andrew's ratings (posted up to Assassin 402, stopped when Revisits (Part R) first appeared)
Score = SudokuSolver v3.6.3 score
These are the scores posted by the puzzle maker in the puzzle thread
and/or in the Assassin Schedule thread

| Puzzle | Made By | Andrew | Score |
| Assassin 401 | Ed | 1.50 | 1.65 |
| Assassin 402 | Ed | 1.50 | 1.80 |
| Assassin 403 | Ed | | 2.00 |
| Paper Solvable 1+ | HATMAN | | 1.80 |
| Assassin 404 | Ed | | 1.30 |
| Assassin 405 | Ed | | 2.10 |
| Assassin 406 | Ed | | 1.60 |
| Assassin 407 | Ed | | 1.45 |
| Assassin 408 | Ed | | 1.30 |
| Assassin 408 V1.85 | Ed | | 1.85 |

| Puzzle | Made By | Andrew | Score |
| Assassin 409 | Ed | | 1.50 |
| Assassin 410 | Ed | | 2.00 |
| Assassin 411 | Ed | | 1.40 |
| Assassin 412 | Ed | | 1.60 |
| Assassin 413 | Ed | | 1.45 |
| Assassin 414 | Ed | | 1.75 |
| Assassin 415 | Ed | | 1.50 |
| Assassin 416 | Ed | | 1.50 |
| Assassin 417 | Ed | | 1.40 |

| Puzzle | Made By | Andrew | Score |
| Assassin 418 | Ed | | 1.75 |
| Assassin 419 | Ed | | 1.40 |
| Assassin 420 | Ed | | 1.90 |
| Assassin 421 | Ed | | 1.40 |
| Assassin 422 | Ed | | 1.70 |
| Assassin 423 | Ed | | 1.70 |
| Assassin 423 V1.5 | Ed | | 1.50 |
| Assassin 424 | Ed | | 1.55 |
| Assassin 425 | Ed | | 1.55 |

If you solve any of these puzzles and decide that there aren't enough walkthroughs for that puzzle or, better still, that you've found an interesting way to solve it which hasn't been posted, please feel free to post your walkthrough in the puzzle thread.

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